My Values
Recycling and repurposing
Confidence through style
Showing personality through aesthetics
Ever since I was young, I remember my mother taking me to the thrift store to get new clothes for school. This was back in 2008 when thrifting was not cool, but I loved all the treasures you could find. As I grew up, second hand clothing became more mainstream and I remember a girl asking me this question in high school: "which thrift store should I go to for a denim jacket?" I knew she was well off and could afford better which is when I realized my way of life was becoming the trend, and I loved it. 

Me at age 7 in 2008

Thrifting and conscious consumption is what sustainability means to me
Wear pieces multiple times, exchange them with others when you're tired of them, or turn them into something new.
Little me was already a fashion diva, if you couldn't tell from this photo.
I experimented with my style and gained confidence through my clothing choices as I grew up.
One thing that really helped my confidence was realizing that the people who do matter will like you no matter what you wear and those who don't, their opinions don't matter.
My key to confidence
Do what makes you happy in the end, don't compare yourself to others, and don't let their opinions stop you from doing what you love.
Why be boring when you could go to a ball? Present day, I attend themed events with my friends and we all dress to the nines according to the theme. When I say we were the only ones in ball gowns and I heard whispers of "we should have dressed up too", you get the idea of how much we stood out. I want to encourage everyone to be a bolder version of themselves, because it makes life so much more enjoyable. 
Don't be afraid to stand out!
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